Search bar

Allows you to search for terms and switch the search language.
Hotkey for selecting the search bar: s
Hotkey for returning to the previous entry: backspace
Hotkey combination to switch search language: ctrl + l

Results column

Shows you any results found and provides an L-shaped pointer to select them.
Hotkey to view the next result: n
Hotkey to view the previous result: p

User menu

Allows you to view your Google or Facebook account, your current subscription type,
the creation date for your subscription, the expiration date for your subscription, and
offers a button to sign out.

Term, translations and definition

The field term appears in bold. The field translation is green-colored and offers one or several translations, with comments between angle brackets. The field definition is blue-colored.

Links to related terms

Fields with links appear in violet. The field similar offers synonyms. The field classified offers hypernyms and hyponyms. The field tantamount shows the institutional counterpart of the term in the US or Argentina. The field derived shows core concepts from which the term is derived and branching concepts into which the term can be derived.

Notes and references

The field note is green-colored, begins with », and expands on the translation. The field reference is black-colored, begins with +, and shows usage examples in legislation or passages from scholarly works, with the source between square brackets.

Normative Legal Dictionary

English-to-Spanish legal dictionary

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